Liam's BitchX IRC Reference

BitchX: channel operator commands

/4OP Usage: /4op <nick>- Sets mode +oooo on <nick>
/ADDIDLE Usage: /addidle <channel> [seconds]- Adds <channel> as idle channel with [seconds]
/B See BAN
/BAN Usage: /ban <nick|nick!user@hostname>- Ban <nick|nick!user@hostname> from current channelHint: Even works if <nick> has left current channel
/BANSTAT Usage: /banstat [channel]- Show bans on current channel or [channel]
/BANTYPE Usage: /bantype <Normal|Better|Host|Domain|Screw>- When a ban is done on a nick, it uses <bantype>
/BANWORDS Usage: /banwords <#channel|*> <word>- Adds <word> to the banned word list for <channel>
/BK Usage: /bk <nick> [reason]- Deops, bans and kicks <nick> for [reason]
/BKI <nick> [reason]
- Deops, bans, kicks and ignores <nick> for [reason]
/CLEARLOCK Usage: /clearlock <channel|*>- Unlocks the mode lock for <channel|*>
/DBAN Usage: /dban- Clears all bans on current channel
/DEOP Usage: /deop <nick(s)>- Deops <nick(s)>
/DEVOICE <nick(s)>
- de-voices <nick(s)>
/FK Usage: /fk <nick!user@hostname>[reason]- Finds clients matching <nick!user@hostname> and immediately kicksthem from current channel for [reason]
/FUCK Usage: /fuck <nick> [reason]- Deops, bans and kicks <nick> for [reason]Also adds <nick> to shitlist at level 3 for current channel
/FUCKEM Usage: /fuckem- Bans *!*a*@* thru *!*z*@* on current channel
/K Usage: /k <nick> [reason]- Kicks <nick> for [reason] on current channel
/KB Usage: /kb <nick> [reason]- Deops, kicks and bans <nick> for [reason]
/KBI <nick> [reason]
- Deops, kicks and bans <nick> for [reason]
/KICK Usage: /kick <channel|*> <nick> [reason]- This behaves just like /kSee K for further information
/KICKIDLE Usage: /kickidle <channel>- Kicks all idle people on <channel>
/LK Usage: /lk [reason]- Kicks all non +o people on current channel with [reason]
/MB Usage: /mb- Mass bans everybody on current channel
/MD - Mass deops current channel
/MDOP Usage: /mdop- Mass deops everybody on current channel
/MDVOICE Usage: /mdvoice- Removes voice status from everyone in current channel
/MK - Mass kicks current channel
/MKB Usage: /mkb- Sorry, no help is available for this command yet
/MKNU Usage: /mknu- Mass kick non-users
/MODE <#channel|nick> +-<mode>
/MODELOCK Usage: /modelock <channel> +|-<instampkl #>- Locks <channel> with +|-<modes>
/MOP Usage: /mop- Mass ops everybody on current channel
/MUB Usage: /mub- Mass unbans current channel
/MULT Usage: /mult <nick(s)>- Multikicks <nick(s)>
/MVOICE Usage: /mvoice [nick|channel|nick!user@hostname]- Mass voice nicks matching [nick|channel|nick!user@hostname]
/OP Usage: /op <nick>- Gives <nick> +o
/SHOWWORDKICK Usage: /showwordkick- Shows list of banned words
/TBAN Usage: /tban- Interactive channel ban delete
/TLOCK Usage: /tlock <channel> [on|off]- [Un]Locks <channel> with the current topic
/TOGGLE <channel> [on|off]
- [Un]Locks <channel> with the current topic
/TOPIC See for furthur details
/UB Usage: /ub [nick]- Removes ban on [nick]Hint: /ub with no arguments removes all bans placed on current channel
/UNBANWORD - Removes a banned word
/UNVOICE Usage: /unvoice [channel] <nick>- Removes voice status from <nick> on [channel] or current channel
/UNWORDKICK <#channel> <word>
/VOICE Usage: /voice [channel] <nick>- Gives voice status to <nick> on [channel] or current channel
/WALL Usage: /wall <message>- Sends <message> to ops on current channel
/WORDLIST Usage: /wordlist- Shows banned wordlist- See also BANWORD