Liam's BitchX IRC Reference

BitchX: Relaying and Repeating

Commands to use incoming messages or other items from the history, e.g. to set the IRC channel topic to the text of a message you just saw, or to redirect messages, sending a message you just saw to some other user. These commands sound useful for scripting, but it may be better to keep the text you might want to use in a variable, and use an explicit privmsg or notice to send it, in case another message comes in while the user is typing the command...

/REL Usage: /rel? -command # nick- command is one of the following: -kick, -wall, -notice, -msg, -wallop, -topic, -kill, -kboot, -ansi and -list- If the list supports more than one saved message then # can be from 0-9- nick can be a nick or a channel. If left off, then current channel isassumed
/RELC Usage: /relc- Displays the last CTCP command issued
/RELCR Usage: /relcr- Displays the last CTCP reply message received
/RELCRT Usage: /relcrt- Changes the topic to the last CTCP reply message
/RELCT Usage: /relct- Changes the topic to the last CTCP command issued
/RELD Usage: /reld- Displays the last DCC msg recieved.
/RELDT Usage: /reldt- Sets the topic to the last DCC message recieved.
/RELI Usage: /reli- Shows the last invite message received
/RELIT Usage: /relit- Changes the topic to the last invite message received
/RELM Usage: /relm <nick|channel>- Redirects last received message to <nick|channel>If invoked with -l, the last 10 messages received are listed-l # will display message number #
/RELMT Usage: /relmt <nick|channel>- Changes the topic to the last received message
/RELN Usage: /reln <nick|channel>- Redirects last received notice to <nick|channel>If invoked with -l, the last 10 messages received are listed-l # will display message number #
/RELNT Usage: /relnt- Changes the topic to the last notice received
/RELS Usage: /rels <nick|channel>- Redirects last received server notice to <nick|channel>If invoked with -l, the last 10 messages received are listed-l # will display message number #
/RELSD relay_help
/RELSDT relay_help
/RELSM Usage: /relsm <nick|channel>- Redirects last sent message to <nick|channel>
/RELSMT Usage: /relsmt- Changes the topic to the last message issued by you
/RELSN Usage: /relsn <nick|channel>- Redirects last sent notice to <nick|channel>
/RELSNT Usage: /relsnt- Changes the topic to the last notice issued by you
/RELST Usage: /relst- Displays the last topic issued by you
/RELSTT Usage: /relstt- Changes the topic to the last topic issued by you
/RELSW Usage: /relsw- Sorry, no help is available for this command yet
/RELSWT Usage: /relswt- Sorry, no help is available for this command yet
/RELT Usage: /relt- Displays the current topic in the current channel
/RELTT relay_help
/RELW Usage: /relw- Displays the last wallop message received
/RELWT Usage: /relwt- Changes the topic to the last wallop message received