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Coming home from Raleigh (page 1/8)


Most of these photos were taken the ’plane between Toronto and Kingston Ontario, on my way home.

Title: Coming home from Raleigh

Author: Quin, Liam R. E.

Total items: 62

Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Suburban Canada 3]

Suburban Canada 3

Houses in the suburbs of Kingston, Ontario.

[picture: Toronto from the air 14]

Toronto from the air 14

The CN Tower, the Skydome (Rogers Centre) and some of the downtown core of tall buildings. The Skydome is the huge building with the large roof; the roof opens, but was closed on this occasion. The flat round building a little way up from the Skydome is the home of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Still further, near the top of the building, the two curved skyscrapers [...] [more...]

[picture: Toronto from the air 8]

Toronto from the air 8

Toronto from the air, with the skyscrapers. Probably Yonge and Eglinton area.

[picture: Toronto from the air 4]

Toronto from the air 4

A relatively complex North American road junction in Toronto, seen from the air.

[picture: Aeroplane Engine 3]

Aeroplane Engine 3

The aeroplane (US: airplane) engine, with its propeller, against a background of the sky, clouds, and fields, seen through the porthole in the ’plane. [more...]

Tags in this source:

aerial photography aeroplanes airports animals boats bridges buildings churches cities cityscapes closeups colour dogs eyes factories houses people plants railways rivers roads skies spires suburbs sunsets towers trains transport travel trees views water

Places shown:

Belleville ·Kingston ·North Carolina ·Ontario ·Port Hope ·Prince Edward County ·Raleigh ·Toronto ·Trenton ·none

Most of these photos were taken the ’plane between Toronto and Kingston Ontario, on my way home.

Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.