Managing lists of people you like or don't like. On modern IRC networks you are more likely to use NickServ and ChanServ to do this.
/ADDLAMENICK | <nick|nick nick nick> - Adds <nick> to your lame nicklist, bans nick!*@* |
/ADDNOFLOOD | <nick> - Adds nick to your no flood list |
/ADDSHIT | Usage: /addshit <nick|nick!user@hostname> <channel|*> [shitlevel] [reason]Hint: <channel> can have more than one via the use of ,- Add <nick|nick!user@hostname> to your shitlist on <channel|*> with[shitlevel] and for [reason]See UNSHIT on how to remove <nick> from shitlist; andUSERLEVELS for shit levels |
/ADDUSER | Usage: /adduser [-ppp] <nick|nick!user@hostname> <channel|*> <userlevel1,userlevel2,etc> [password]Hint: <channel> can have more than one via the use of ,Hint: Use -ppp to add * hosts- Adds <nick|nick!user@hostname> on <channel|*> with [userlevels]See UNUSER on how to remove <nick> from userlist; andUSERLEVELS for user, auto-op and protection levelsCTCP to understand valid CTCP commands which can be sent to gainprivileges |
/ADDWORD | Usage: /addword <channel|*> <word(s)>- Adds <word(s)> to wordlist, anyone saying it in <channel|*> will be kickedSee SHOWWORD to list banned words; andUNWORD to remove banned words |
/CHGAOP | Usage: /chgaop <nick> <auto-oplevel>- Changes <auto-oplevel> of <nick> in userlistSee USERLEVELS for auto-op levels |
/CHGCHAN | Usage: /chgchan <nick> <channel>- Changes <channel> of <nick> in userlistHint: /ChgChan whoever #BitchX,#iRC can add multiple channels |
/CHGLEVEL | Usage: /chglevel <nick> <level>- Changes <level> of <nick> in userlistSee USERLEVELS for user levels |
/CHGPASS | <nick> <protection-level> |
/CHGPROT | Usage: /chgprot <nick> <protection-level>- Changes <protection-level> of <nick> in userlistSee USERLEVELS for protection levels |
/CHGUH | <nick> <userhost> |
/CHOPS | Usage: /chops [types] [-sort type] [#channel]- Shows, in a full format, all the nicks with op status- /chops is the same as /user -ops- For [types] and [-sort types] - see USER |
/CLEARAUTO | Usage: /clearauto- Clears all the nicks in the auto-response list |
/FPROT | Usage: /fprot- Toggles flood protection to be either on or off |
/LAMENICKLIST | - Lists nicks in your lame nick list |
/NEWNICK | Usage: /newnick <nick> <username>- Changes your <nick> and <username> |
/NEWUSER | Usage: /newuser <username>- Changes your <username> |
/SHITLIST | Usage: /shitlist- Shows the users in your shitlist |
/UNLAMENICK | <nick(s)> - Remove nicks from you lame nick list |
/UNSHIT | Usage: /unshit <nick> <channel>- Removes <nick> in <channel> from your shitlist |
/UNUSER | Usage: /unuser <nick|nick!user@hostname> <channel|*> - Removes <nick|nick!user@hostname> in <channel|*> from your userlist |
/USERLIST | Usage: /userlist- Shows your current userlist |
/USERSHOW | Usage: /usershow- Shows the userinfo for your userlist. |