#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard -nph -newstyle_urls/;
$| = 1; # unbuffered output
my $perpage = 100;
sub fail($$;$);
sub mkHeader($$);
sub mkSearchForm($$);
sub main
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $d = "/usr/home/liam/public_html/lq-text/LQTEXTDIR";
my $b = "/usr/local/latext/bin";
$ENV{PATH} = "${b}:" . $ENV{PATH};
my @names = $cgi->param();
if (!@names || $#names < 0) {
mkSearchForm($cgi, "Searching the Linux Documentation");
my $string = $cgi->param('s');
my $mode = $cgi->param('mode') || 'full_index';
if (!defined($string) || $string =~ /^\s*$/) {
"No search string was given",
"You must enter a phrase to find, such as \"serial port\"."
if ($mode eq 'full_index') {
my $first = $cgi->param('o') || 1;
if ($first !~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
fail $cgi,
"Invalid o=$first parameter",
"Please don't tamper with the URLs, it gives me a headache.";
mkSearchForm($cgi, "docindex: $string");
my $query = $string;
$query =~ s/"\\\`()/./g;
my $url = $cgi->url('-path_info' => 1, -query => 1, -full => 1);
# formats for printing matches:
my $perfile =
"\n \${DocTitle}\n";
my $permatch =
'$[${MatchNumber/3r}:${TextBefore/40r 40l}${Gap}${MatchedText}${TextAfter}/120 120r]\\n';
my $last = $first + $perpage;
my $range = "-o ${first}-${last}";
# only print results up to the last one. We need the first ones,
# to get numbering right in lqkwic later.
my $qrange = "-o1-${last}";
open(INDEX, "$b/lqquery -d $d $qrange \"$query\" |
$b/lqkwic -d $d $range -u -S '${perfile}' -s '${permatch}' -c -l200 -r200 -f - |") ||
fail $cgi, "Can't run lq-text", "$!";
print "
if ($first > 1) {
my $back = $url;
$back=~ s@\bo=[0-9]+@@;
my $prev = $first - $perpage;
if ($prev < 1) {
$prev = 1;
print "previous\n";
print "bottom\n";
print "\n";
my $n = 0;
print "
print "\n";
if ($first > 1) {
my $back = $url;
$back=~ s@\bo=[0-9]+@@;
my $prev = $first - $perpage;
if ($prev < 1) {
$prev = 1;
print "previous page\n";
print "top\n";
if ($n >= $perpage) {
my $fwd = $url;
$fwd=~ s@\bo=[0-9]+@@;
$first += $perpage;
print "next $perpage matches\n";
print "\n";
print $cgi->end_html;
if ($mode eq 'fileview') {
my $doc = $cgi->param('fn');
if (!defined($doc)) {
fail $cgi, "internal error, no document number",
"please do not tamper with the URLs"
if ($doc !~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
fail $cgi, "internal error, invalid document number \"$doc\"",
"please do not tamper with the URLs, it hurts."
# Find out about the document
open(LQFILE, "$b/lqfile -l -d $d -F ${doc} |") ||
fail $cgi, "could not start $b/lqfile", "$!";
my @fields;
while () {
# take the first matching line
# 1 plain Feb 22 21:13:18 2000 /usr/doc/HOWTO/3Dfx-HOWTO
# note: don't use split, because a filename can contain spaces
@fields = m/^
([0-9]+)\s+ # document number
([^\s]+)\s+ # the file type
([^\s]+)\s+ # the month name [locale specific!]
([0-9][0-9]?)\s+ # day
([0-9:]+)\s+ # time of day
([0-9]+)\s+ # year
(.+)$/x; # filename
last if ($#fields == 6 && $fields[0] eq $doc);
if (!@fields || $#fields != 6) {
fail $cgi, "document $doc was not found in the index, sorry.";
if ($fields[0] ne $doc) {
fail $cgi, "document $doc was not found in the index, sorry.",
"(did find $fields[0], however)";
# ok, woohoo, a filename
my $filename = $fields[6];
my $type = $fields[1];
# deliver the file, or try to
my $cmd = "$b/lqcat -d $d -F $doc |";
my $TurnURLStoLinks = 0;
if ($type eq 'HTML' || $filename =~ /\.html?(.g*z)?$/i) {
print $cgi->header(
-type => 'text/html'
print "
} elsif ($type eq 'troff') {
# run man and pipe the output through man2html
$filename =~ s/\.g?z$//i;
if ($filename =~ /cat*/) {
$cmd = "$b/lqcat -d $d -F $doc | /usr/local/bin/man2html |";
} elsif ($filename =~ m@.*/([^/]+)\.([^\.]+)$@) {
my ($page, $section) = ($1, $2);
$cmd = "man $section $page | /usr/local/bin/man2html |";
} else {
$cmd = "$b/lqcat -d $d -F $doc | /usr/local/bin/man2html |";
} elsif ($type eq 'plain') {
$TurnURLStoLinks = 1;
print $cgi->header(
-type => 'text/plain'
} else { # plain or one we don't know
$TurnURLStoLinks = 1;
print $cgi->header(
-type => 'text/plain'
open(INPUT, $cmd) ||
fail $cgi,
"could not open lqcat on $doc, ${filename}",
"[$cmd] system error: $!";
while () {
## not done yet, would need to use text/html, and then
## people can't save the result
## if ($TurnURLStoLinks && m/[tf]tp/) { # might have http | ftp
## $_ = makeURLs($_);
## }
fail($cgi, "unknown form mode [$mode]");
# fail - print an error message and exit
my $startedHTML = undef;
my $titlePrefix = "lqtext: ";
sub fail($$;$)
my ($cgi, $whatFailed, $reason) = @_;
if (!$startedHTML) {
mkHeader($cgi, "Error: $whatFailed");
print $cgi->h1("Error");
print "