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A Trip To Edinburgh (page 1/14)


I went to Edinburgh for the W3C Advisory Committee Meeting and the World Wide Web Conference.

Title: A Trip To Edinburgh

Author: Quin, Liam R E

Total items: 153

Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: canon ready to fire]

canon ready to fire

Actually not really ready, there’s no poweder. The brazier above the wall was probably a beacon, but I don’t know for sure.

[picture: Virgin Atlantic]

Virgin Atlantic

Their hangar at London Heathrow Airport (LHR) and an old green ’plane presumably used for training.

[picture: Waiting for the enemy]

Waiting for the enemy

Looking down the barrel of a gun (a medieval cannon) out to sea, between the battlements at Edinburgh Castle.

[picture: caption]


captions for several items, mostly not shown here (sorry)

[picture: Cannon]


A closer view showing the wheels and cart.

Tags in this source:

aerial photography aerial photos aeroplanes airports ancient egypt animals arches architecture armour art bare feet battlements bookshops bridges buildings captions carving castles cattle ceramics chimneys churches cities cityscapes clocks clouds colour courtyards cows crowns egypt entrances fireplaces gates guns heraldry hills horses hotels houses humour interiors keys lakes lettering monuments night scenes nudity panoramas people pillars portraits post boxes railways religion roofs sculpture sculptures shops signs skies spirit stained glass statuary stone walls street furniture streets sunsets swords toilets towers transport views water weapons windows

Places shown:

Edinburgh ·London ·Lothianshire ·Ontario ·Toronto ·Wembly

I went to Edinburgh for the W3C Advisory Committee Meeting and the World Wide Web Conference.

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