I participated in some W3C Working Group meetings in Pisa, in the region of Tuscany in Italy; after the meetings, our host, Giorgio, kindly arranged for us to have a trip to see some sights and enjoy an excellent meal. I took these pictures on the way there.
Title: Exploring Tuscany
Date: 2007
Total items: 228
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When the Crusades tapered off because of wars and pestilence, devout Italians still wanted to go there, so the local monks built a local Jerusalem that people could visit instead. It is in the style of a medieval Italian village, though, so it is not very convincing. [...] [more...]
A sixteenth century building, part of a monastery, in Tuscany. The sunlight and the pattern of the bricks and the roses in the foreground all contribute to this picture. [more...]
An inner courtyard has lawns and flowers.
With the late afternoon sun shining through it.
I participated in some W3C Working Group meetings in Pisa, in the region of Tuscany in Italy; after the meetings, our host, Giorgio, kindly arranged for us to have a trip to see some sights and enjoy an excellent meal. I took these pictures on the way there.
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