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Winding stone stairs in the garden 3details

[Picture: Winding stone stairs in the garden 3]
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Winding stone stairs in the garden 3, in Higher Disley, Stockport, Cheshire, England more

steps, stairways, secret places, hedges, colour

foreground: none
background: none

Image title:

Winding stone stairs in the garden 3

Taken from


Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required
Please do not redistribute without permission, since running this site is expensive.


This is a version of Winding stone stairs in the garden 2 with contrast improved, a sharpness filter applied, and a border added. Walk into the light with me.

I put this up on DeviantArt as Staircase to the Garden, whre you may leave comments if you wish.


Place shown:




Casio Computer Co., Ltd EX-Z4
Lens: Fixed
Focal Length: 10.2mm
ISO: 200
Aperture: f/3.5
Exposure Time: 0.05 seconds
Exposure Program: Program AE
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Comment: http://barefootliam.deviantart.com/ quality=85%
Date: 2004:09:07 01:48:33


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