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Fountainebleau Plantation Bell 1details

[Picture: Fountainebleau Plantation Bell 1]
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Fountainebleau Plantation Bell 1, in New Orleans,Louisiana,USA more

bells, slavery, colour

foreground: none
background: none

Image title:

Fountainebleau Plantation Bell 1

Taken from


Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
Please do not redistribute without permission, since running this site is expensive.


Plantation slave bell:

Bernard Marigny had this bell cast for his plantation on the north shore of Lake Pnotchartrain. Most plantations had bells which were used to call the slaves to work and to signal the end of the work day.

Photograph taken with flash.

Shown in the museum in New Orleans, photographed with permission.


Place shown:




Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi / 400D / Kiss Digital X
Lens: 18 - 55 mm (35 mm equivalent: 29.1 - 89 mm)
Focal Length: 55mm
ISO: 400
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 0.016667 seconds
Exposure Program: Easy
Flash: Auto, Fired
Picture Style: Standard
Date: 2007:02:01 15:48:11


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