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putti at play 4details

[Picture: putti at play 4]
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putti at play 4, in Pisa, Tuscany, Italy more

cherubs, bare feet, nudity, carving, sarcophagi, colour

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Image title:

putti at play 4

Taken from


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More of this strange scene; some of these little winged naked boys seem unhappy. Even angels cry.

small rectangular sarcophagus for the burial of a child (end of 2nd century a.d.) with winged genii picking fruit and putting it in baskets. on the flanks a gryphon with a winged paw on a ram’s head.


Place shown:




Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi / 400D / Kiss Digital X
Lens: 17 - 85 mm (35 mm equivalent: 27.5 - 137.6 mm)
Focal Length: 72mm
ISO: 400
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure Time: 0.008 seconds
Exposure Program: Program AE
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Picture Style: Landscape
Date: 2007:07:01 11:33:58


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