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Belleville Station Plaquedetails

[Picture: Belleville Station Plaque]
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Belleville Station Plaque, in Belleville, Ontario, Canada more

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Image title:

Belleville Station Plaque

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The Grand Trunk was incorporated in 1853 to run from Sarnia to Portland, Maine. Although it took over existing lines, new ones had to be built, including sections of the key Toronto to Montréal line completed by the noted English engineering firm of Peto, Brassey, Jackson and betts in 1856. The Belleville station, built about 1856, is representative of the larger stations erected by this firm for the Grand Trunk Railway. Although its design was influenced by English railway stations, it is an enduring monument to early canadian railway enterprise.

Devant relier Sarnia à Portland (Maine), le Grand Tronc fut le premier chemin de fer interprovincial au Canada. Mème s’il comptait déjà un certain nombre de tronçons au moment de son incorporation en 1853, il fallut en aménager s’autres, notamment le long du réseau principal Toronto-Montréal. Cette entreprise fut confiée en 1856 à la firme anglaise de Peto, Brassey, jackson et Betts. La gare de Belleville est un example des plus grandes gares construites par cette compagnie pour le Grand Tronc. D’inspiration anglaise, elle perpétue toutefois le souvenir des débuts de l’enterprise des chemins de fer au Canada.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.

Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada.

Government of Ccanada · Government du Canada


Place shown:




Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi / 400D / Kiss Digital X
Lens: 17 - 85 mm (35 mm equivalent: 27.5 - 137.6 mm)
Focal Length: 66mm
ISO: 200
Aperture: f/10.0
Exposure Time: 0.005 seconds
Exposure Program: Program AE
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Picture Style: Faithful
Date: 2007:08:13 11:12:55


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