Liam’s Technical bookshelf: Typography

These books are on my shelf because they are useful.

They are listed alphabetially by first author, in two groups: books with a summary, then books I haven’t written anything about yet.

Books with a Summary

category: graphicdesign/type
authors: Robert Bringhurst
title: The Elements of Typographic Style
isbn: 0881791326
publisher: Hartley & Marks
date: 2002
edition: 2nd
pp: 350
date-received: 2002
cover: black

Robert Bringhurst has a background steeped in the history of typography; his rich and extensive knowledge comes from experience, so that this is a typographer’s book on typography, and is one that professional book designers recommend as much as amateur hacks like me.

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category: graphicdesign/type
authors: James Felici
title: The Complete Manual of Typography
isbn: 0321127307
publisher: Peachpit Press (Adobe Press)
date: 2003
pp: 360
date-received: 2004-06-25
cover: yellow

This is a book written with attention to detail. The author takes the trouble to explain not just how things are to be done but why. For example, when talking about adjusting line spacing in headlines, mention is made of the optical illusion that lines of text are closer if there are more ascenders and descenders intruding into the gap between them.

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category: graphicdesign/type
authors: Erik Spiekermann
E. M. Ginger
title: Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works
isbn: 0201703394
publisher: Adobe Press
date: 2002
edition: 2nd
pp: 188
date-received: 2002
cover: blue

A motivating book for people learning about type and how to use it.

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category: graphicdesign/introductory
authors: Robin Williams
title: The Non-Designer's Design Book
isbn: 0321193857
publisher: Peachpit press
date: 2003
edition: 2nd
pp: 200
date-received: 2000
cover: bright yellow

This is the first book for everyone to read about typography and graphic design. It's written clearly, is very practical, and has very few pages!

bright yellowBuy from