Liam R. E. Quin

An in-depth look at how to make XML work with database applications

This guide will arm you with the nuts-and-bolts information and tools you'll need to fully exploit XML's powerful capabilities. Focusing specifically on how XML works with database technologies, it provides clear technical coverage of the key issues involved with storing XML in databases and using relational databases with XML applications.

Liam Quin first introduces you to the main concepts of XML and then reveals how to work with this language technology. He offers helpful tips and techniques to show you how to move data stored in relational databases in and out of an XML application. You'll also learn how to store XML documents in a database, find and use the best XML database tools and applications, and store links in a database for metadata access. And you'll gain a better understanding of W3C specifications for XQL, XSL, Xlink, and Xpointer.

The book is written for programers and technical managers who are looking at extracting database contents as XML or who are looking at storing XML in a database. Relation, object-oriented and other databases are discussed.

This companion Web site for the book features:

  • Additional resources
  • Utilities
  • Examples from the book
  • Updated information

Liam Quin has been working with SGML since 1987 and was closely involved with XML from its inception. He is the coauthor of The XML Specification Guide and has published papers on SGML and on structured markup. Liam Quin is also a frequent speaker at numerous conferences and is very active in standards committees.

ISBN 0-471-37522-5
432 pages

Wiley Home Page

Companion web site for the book

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