Array Functions

delarray delitem finditem getarrays getitem ifindfirst ifinditem igetitem igetmatches indextoitem itemtoindex listarray matchitem numarrays numitems rmatchitem [setitem]

Liam's BitchX Command Reference

BitchX scripting function $setitem()

$setitem() sets an item of an array to a value, or creates a new array if the array doesn not already exist and the item number is zero, or it adds a new item to an existing array if the item number is one more than the prevously largest item number in the array.
0 on success;
1 on success if a new item was added to an existing array;
2 on success if a new array was created and item zero was set;
-1 if it is unable to find the array (and item number was not zero);
-2 if it was unable to find the item (item < 0 or item was greater than 1 + the prevous maximum item number.

previous: setinfo next: setitem