String Functions

absstrlen after afterw ascii before beforew center chngw chr common copattern count decode diff encode filter findw fromw getmatches getrmatches index insertw isalpha isdigit isnum isnumber left leftpc leftw match mid midw msar notw numsort numwords pad pass pattern pop push regcomp regerror [regexec] regfree remw remws repeat rest restw reverse revw rfilter right rightw rindex rmatch rot13 rpattern rstrstr rword sar shift sort splice split strip strlen strstr tolower toupper tow tr translate uniq unshift word

Liam's BitchX Command Reference

BitchX scripting function $regexec()

$regexec(compiledpattern string)
0 or 1 depending on whether the given string was matched by the regular expression, which must have been compiled using $regcomp().

previous: regerror next: regexec