
Gullskoen Rune font

Norsk versjon

Rune font for Mac and Windows

The font Gullskoen contains the main forms and some variants of the long twig runes, the short twig runes, the staveless runes, and the Nordic medieval runes (including forms from Gotland, Iceland, and Greenland). The largest number of variants are Norwegian forms. All together the font comprizes some 150 rune forms. Gullskoen is freeware, meaning that it is distributed free of cost while copyright is retained by the author, Odd Einar Haugen (University of Bergen, Department of Scandinavian languages and literature, Sydnesplassen 7, N-5007 Bergen).

Main forms of long twig runes:
Long twig runes

Main forms of short twig runes:
Short twig runes

Main forms of staveless runes:
Staveless runes

Main forms of medieval runes:
Medieval runes

Main forms of runes from Gotland:
Runes from Gotland

The font is available for both Macintosh og Windows;, in both PostScript and TrueType.

Visit since Dec. 29, 1997

Created 7 August 1996. Last update 25 August 2000.