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Various snapshots I took when I was in Prince Edward County (page 1/5)


Various pictures, mostly taken in Prince Edward County.

Title: Various snapshots I took when I was in Prince Edward County

Author: Quin, Liam R. E.

Total items: 37

Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Sunset in Cherry Valley 6]

Sunset in Cherry Valley 6

A dramatic evening scene, with water and a tree.

[picture: Secluded beach]

Secluded beach

A seemingly secluded beach on Lake Ontario; I think actially it’s on the way to Kingston right next to a busy road.

[picture: Secluded beach 2]

Secluded beach 2

A seemingly secluded beach on Lake Ontario; I think actially it’s on the way to Kingston right next to a busy road. This one has a ripple, a tiny wave. [more...]

[picture: Jeep and Tree]

Jeep and Tree

Clyde’s Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 4x4 parked in the country, ready for some off-roading.

Tags in this source:

aeroplanes animals beaches bells books cars cats churches clouds colour grass houses humour lakes motion people pictures of books portraits reeds reflections religion restaurants rivers signs skies sunsets textures title pages trees water waves windows

Places shown:

Cherry Valley ·Kingston ·KingstonOntario ·Ontario ·Point Petre ·Prince Edward County ·USA ·none

Various pictures, mostly taken in Prince Edward County.

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