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The Camposanto Monumentale cemetary in Pisa (page 3/32)

[picture: caption]


Rectangular sarcophagus with in the center bust of the deceased in a clipeus (end of 2nd century a.d.) among nereids, marine centaurs and winged genii. [more...]

[picture: Cemetery Coister Windows 1]

Cemetery Coister Windows 1

Inside the cemetery building is a cloister, and these are the stone arches of the glassless windows, with their delicate tracery, that overlook the grass in the quadrangle. [more...]

[picture: Cemetery Cloister Windows 2]

Cemetery Cloister Windows 2

Inside the cemetery building is a cloister, and these are the stone arches of the glassless windows, with their delicate tracery, that overlook the grass in the quadrangle. [more...]

[picture: Cemetery building interior]

Cemetery building interior

A long view showing the cloister windows at left, the floor that is almost entirely paved with tombstones, the sarcophagi against the sides, and the upper walls still with traces of medieval murals in places. As best I can gather, this is an early medieval building that was given a hige facelift when the Cathedral (Duomo) was built, [...] [more...]

[picture: Beasts from 3rd Century]

Beasts from 3rd Century

A detail from the Lions and Fluting for Piero sarcophagus showing the lion about to devour its prey.

[picture: Lions and Fluting for Piero]

Lions and Fluting for Piero

Tub-shaped sarcophagus with fluting. At the extremeties male figure with lions clutching their prey (mid 3rd century a.d.). Reused in mid 14th century for Piero del Fornaio. [more...]

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Rectangular sarcophagus decorated with a courting of marine gods (second half of 2nd century a.d.). Gable top with an inscription and the blazon of Michele da Scorno (end of 15th century). [more...]

[picture: Marine gods cocktail party]

Marine gods cocktail party

Rectangular sarcophagus decorated with a courting of marine gods (second half of 2nd century a.d.). Gable top with an inscription and the blazon of Michele da Scorno (end of 15th century). [more...]

[picture: Sarcophagus from 2nd Century C.E. 1: front view]

Sarcophagus from 2nd Century C.E. 1: front view

Rectangular sarcophagus with nereids and tritons, hippocampus and genius (second half of 2nd century a.d.). Gable top with inscriptions for Michele Saccieri, operaio dell’opera di santa maria (✢ 1341). [more...]

[picture: Sarcophagus from 2nd Century C.E. 2: detaill]

Sarcophagus from 2nd Century C.E. 2: detaill

Showing a detail of the carving: a naked young man is about to thrust upwards with a knife, I think, a far more violent scene than I’d like on my coffin. [more...]

[picture: sarcophagus from 3rd century C.E. 1: front view]

sarcophagus from 3rd century C.E. 1: front view

Rectangular sarcophagus (end of 3rd century a.d.) with undulating fluting and clipeus with busts of married couple. At the extremeties Bacchus and Mercurius. [...] [more...]

[picture: sarcophagus from 3rd century C.E. 2: detail]

sarcophagus from 3rd century C.E. 2: detail

Showinf the married couple, who appear to be holding a machine gun, although since it’s a late Roman carving some 1700 years old or more, I doubt that. [more...]

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