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Tokyo (page 10/16)

[picture: Carring the Mikoshi 2]

Carring the Mikoshi 2

Another photo of the children with the mikoshi.

[picture: Japanese apartments 1]

Japanese apartments 1

A mix of the old and the new.

[picture: Japanese apartments 2]
[picture: The shrine]

The shrine

With lanterns and a mushroom bearing names.

[picture: Alley]


Tokyo is a city of contrasts; the old and the new are everywhere intermixed.

[picture: Temple entrance]

Temple entrance

I think by the ornate roof and the posts that it is a Buddhist temple and not a Shinto shrine, but I am not certain, sorry.

[picture: Going in]

Going in

Going back into the temple, or shrine. You can just see the Phœnix in the background.

[picture: Shrine entrance]

Shrine entrance

Costumed people enter the shrine.

[picture: Outside the temple]

Outside the temple

I think there is a temple at the top of the stairs, and a shrine on the right, but I am foreign and know very little.

[picture: Going in]

Going in

Will they take the mikoshi?

[picture: Tabi]


Black socks.

[picture: Welcoming the mikoshi 1]

Welcoming the mikoshi 1

The white official is going to wave a green branch over the phœnix and its temple.

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