We had 120 Km/h winds today. It’s hard to photograph unless you catch things moving about. Oh, and it was cold out, even though it was only around -10C (20F or so). The versions with [edited] in their titles have been touched up slightly to try and compensate for the fact that I took the pictures through glass windows.
Title: Gale-force winds
Date: 2008
Total items: 8
Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required, or as marked.
When the tree bends the spirit blows
The haziness is largely caused by the wind.
Moving tree, crouching building
The tree was moving a lot in the wind.
When the tree bends the spirit blows [edited]
Hard to tell from this that the pine needles were all pointing the same way.
They all blew away.
Hard to tell, but there it’s snowing hard out there in a strong wind.
We had 120 Km/h winds today. It’s hard to photograph unless you catch things moving about. Oh, and it was cold out, even though it was only around -10C (20F or so). The versions with [edited] in their titles have been touched up slightly to try and compensate for the fact that I took the pictures through glass windows.
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