
You reach out of the shower and grab your towel, but as you do so you feel grass under your feet and a cold wind on your back! You turn round and realise that you are standing outside on a grassy hill, with only a damp towl and a bar of soap. There are about a dozen women here wearing black pointy hats and robes, one of whom says, I think it worked!. A nearby road leads towards a distant town.

you have:a large purple bath towel
a bar of soap
run away! run away!
go to the town
talk to the witches
start over

<RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns="" xmlns:g="htp://" >
<Description about="#start">
<g:story rdf:resource="#You reach out of the shower and grab your towel, but as you do so you feel grass under your feet and a cold wind on your back! You turn round and realise that you are standing outside on a grassy hill, with only a damp towl and a bar of soap. There are about a dozen women here wearing black pointy hats and robes, one of whom says, <i>I think it worked!</i>. A nearby road leads towards a distant town."/>
<Description about="#player">
<g:is at rdf:resource="#start"/>

<Description about="#start">
<g:link rdf:resource="#run away! run away!"/>
<Description about="#start">
<g:link rdf:resource="#go to the town"/>
<Description about="#start">
<g:link rdf:resource="#talk to the witches"/>

<Description about="#start">
<g:give rdf:resource="#a large purple bath towel"/>
<Description about="#start">
<g:give rdf:resource="#a bar of soap"/>
<Description about="#player">
<g:has rdf:resource="#a large purple bath towel"/>
<Description about="#player">
<g:has rdf:resource="#a bar of soap"/>