Nicks and channels

banonchannel chanmode channel [channelmode] channelnicks channicks chanusers chops currchans getcset getkey isban ischannel ischanop iscurchan isignored isvoice key lastmessage lastnotice mask mychannels nochops numonchannel onchannel randomnick umode usermode

Liam's BitchX Command Reference

BitchX scripting function $channelmode()

channel modes of the specified channels on the current window; can also be given a numeric argument after the channel which is 1 to list bans, 2 to get ban who time, 3 to get exceptions, with 0 being the default and just fetching the channel mode. You can give a list of channel, number pairs to get modes for multiple channels.
$channelmode(#chan1 #chan2 #chan3)

previous: channel next: channelmode