Nicks and channels

banonchannel chanmode channel channelmode channelnicks channicks chanusers chops currchans getcset getkey isban ischannel [ischanop] iscurchan isignored isvoice key lastmessage lastnotice mask mychannels nochops numonchannel onchannel randomnick umode usermode

Liam's BitchX Command Reference

BitchX scripting function $ischanop()

Boo Hiss
This should be $ischanop(channel nick <nick...nick>) and return a list (1 1 ... 0), which would allow us to call is_chanop() without ripping off the nick, and allow us to abstract is_chanop() to take a list. oh well... Too late to change it now. :/
Contrary to popular belief, this function can only tell you who the channel operators are for channels you are already on!
$ischanop(nick channel)
1 if <nick> is a channel operator on <channel> 0 if <nick> is not a channel operator on <channel> * O R * if you are not on <channel>

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