Nicks and channels

banonchannel chanmode channel channelmode channelnicks channicks chanusers chops currchans getcset getkey isban ischannel ischanop iscurchan isignored isvoice key lastmessage lastnotice [mask] mychannels nochops numonchannel onchannel randomnick umode usermode

Liam's BitchX Command Reference

BitchX scripting function $mask()

$mask(type addres)
or, $mask(address type)
an address with a mask specified by the given type. Use this function to generate a ban mask for example, with wildcards in places so that the ban will be more effective.
Available types are:
The available types are:
0: *!user@host.domain
1: *!*user@host.domain
2: *!*@host.domain
3: *!*user@*.domain
4: *!*@*.domain
5: nick!user@host.domain
6: nick!*user@host.domain
7: nick!*@host.domain
8: nick!*user@*.domain
9: nick!*@*.domain
10: *!*@.domain
11: *!*user@.domain
12: nick!*@.domain
13: nick!*user@.domain

previous: longip next: mask